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Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

The way to overcome the problems in computer

Hi guys. How is life? I hope you will be more great then the past. Now, i wanna share to you about the way to overcome the problems in computer. May this sharing be useful for us.
1.     (The way to overcome the problems in computer ) The computer doesn’t want to on
The way to overcome it;
a.      Check the cable connection ( from power outlet to power cable on PC)
b.     Check the stabilizer, is it in function or not? (if use stabilizer)
c.     Check the power cable on PC.
d.     If the computer still doesn’t want to on. May be the problem is in power supply or MB

2.     (The way to overcome the problems in computer ) The computer wants to on, but doesn’t want to booting
The ways are:
Know the sound of beep first :
Once beep means the condition of computer is well.
Once long beep and three times short, it means breakage in VGA card
Once long beep and twice short, it means breakage in DRAM parity
Beep too long it means breakage in the memory module or video memory
-         check with using diagnosis software as sisoft sandra, PC mark04, PC mark05 and so on

3.     (The way to overcome the problems in computer ) the computer  wants booting but always “safe mode ( for entering to safe mode, press f8)
the ways are:
-         restart your computer
-         if it is still trouble, reinstall your windows
-         if it still stay  to safe mode, it means your HD troubled. Check by “scan disk”

4.     (The way to overcome the problems in computer ) producer MetherBoard (MB) isn’t ascertainable
the ways are:
-         open the casing, and check CPU. Casually the MB has a producer of etiket which is content of  MB’s specification type
-         look at manual book
-         look for MB by Internet, jibe ID printed on sticker board with the slate which is in the sites www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid, and find the list of ID number which has been published by the institute of permission for electronic set in America
-         use the analysis software as Sandra99, etc.

(The way to overcome the problems in computer) how do you feel after read my blog? Great right?,,please try.

Bye...see you!

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