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Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

The way to overcome Galaxy tab 2 error

There are 2 ways to doing factory reset, those are can be with settings menu> privacy> factory data reset. But, if the condition of the handphone can’t be started or doesn’t wanna enter to the menu, so, for doing factory reset, must by recovery mode.
Factory reset is the manner for bringing back the software of handphone/tablet android to condition like the first time from the factory. Factory reset as the world goes can overcome almost of problems wich are caused by breaakage software.

Recovery mode will be useful when we experience something as follows:
1.     When the android handphone can’t start  or boot loop android. This problem caused by somethings, for instance, there is a error aplication or you just have installed aplication wich is not commpatible with handphone type.
2.     When the android handphone can be started, but doesn’t wanna respond the input from user, exemple android screen does not want to be touched or can’t enter into telephone/tablet menu.
3.     When you forget the PIN, password aor you do too much the breach-block patterns of android ponsel. It makes you can’t enter to the menu.
4.     Other breakages of android software.

For doing factory reset via recovery mode generally can be by two easy  ways. Those are:
a.      The first way is Enter to the menu settung – privacy – factory data reset. Before process og reset, you must read the warning given first. If you want to it and formatting SD card or memory eksternal at once, you must put a mark of checklist on Erase SD Card. But if you don’t want data in SD card to be formated, blott the mark of checklist out on Erase SD Card.

b.     The second way is by hard reset. It is there two ways. Those are:
1.     The first way
Turn off Samsung Galaxy tab by pressing the power button for about 10 second or more untill samsung galaxy tab really turn off.
After samsung galaxy tab turn off, then press the power knob and up volume button at once, wait untill appeare the logo on the screen.
When in the screen appeare the logo loose the power button, whereas the volume button still be pressed ‘till you will take to the menu of recovery mode.
When in recovery mode menu, the next you direct the cursor by using the volume button up or down, to the menu of wipe data / factory reset and press the Home knob ar power, for beginning factory reset samsung galaxy tab.
2.     The second way
It is same with the first way, you must turn off handphone / tablet first > press and  hold some of knobs android vol down + power at once > you will enter to recovery mode.
With the volume button, direct the cursor ‘till on the written “factory reset / wipe data”
Press the HOME button for beginning process > hope be patien when the process of reboot handphone is going.

So, if you experiece boot loop in your android handphone ar you forget the password  or  pattern of android handphone, the one you need is only enter to the recovery mode > factory reset / wipe data. Now the problem is there are people who don’t know the way to recovery mode tablet / android handphone theirs.

Please try and may become success.

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